It's been a big week on the East Coast! On Tuesday we felt tremors resulting from an earthquake that originated in Virginia. Our lab is located on the 6th floor and we all felt the building shaking. After hanging out under doorways for a few minutes, we self-evacuated (which is apparently NOT what you're supposed to do in an earthquake). Hospital security and engineering came over and checked for structural and electrical damage before we were allowed back in the building 45 minutes later.
This weekend Hurricane Irene is making her way up the eastern seaboard.

We got groceries yesterday and have dug out flashlights, batteries and candles. I'm making a run to Toys 'R Us this afternoon to pick up stuff for a hurricane art project. After enjoying so much lovely time outside this summer, I am dreading being shut in for 24-36 hours once the storm hits. Derek works Saturday night and Sunday night - I would feel much better if he were home safe with us. But, I've lived through plenty of severe weather, including countless blizzards, tornado warnings, thunderstorms, and a catstrophic flood in 1997, so I know I can handle it alone.

Meanwhile, S&Z are happy as clams :)
This weekend Hurricane Irene is making her way up the eastern seaboard.

We got groceries yesterday and have dug out flashlights, batteries and candles. I'm making a run to Toys 'R Us this afternoon to pick up stuff for a hurricane art project. After enjoying so much lovely time outside this summer, I am dreading being shut in for 24-36 hours once the storm hits. Derek works Saturday night and Sunday night - I would feel much better if he were home safe with us. But, I've lived through plenty of severe weather, including countless blizzards, tornado warnings, thunderstorms, and a catstrophic flood in 1997, so I know I can handle it alone.

Meanwhile, S&Z are happy as clams :)
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