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Creating Indoor Fun

I knew this would be a challenging winter, having two newly-minted toddlers at home. Julia tries to get S&Z out for a walk several times per week, but that's not possible after a big snow dump. Double strollers and unshoveled city sidewalks definitely do not mix! I also try to make plans 2 of my 3 days off from work, but getting out is proving to be more challenging this time of year. As the cold weather wears on, we are definitely having to get more creative with our indoor activities!

Rachel & Keith gave us a water table for S&Z's birthday. First we tried it inside with water,

We quickly learned that "only" 1-2" of water makes a BIG mess with two kids!!! The next day we put play balls in it instead.

My MOT friend, Wendy, had given us the idea about the play balls when they went on sale at the end of the summer. She even found them for us at Target! You might remember how much fun S&Z had playing with them at Sydney & Ivy's birthday party back in September.

This simple thing, one bag of play balls, has provided endless amounts of indoor winter fun! This week we put them in the swimming pool in the dining room, where the Christmas tree had been set up.

Derek had to drag them out of the pool for lunch on the first day!

This setup also came in good use today, another snow day.

The other thing Wendy has that S&Z have loved playing with is an indoor tent. It might be a fun addition to our tunnel! We'll see how many storms we can survive before we break down and find one :)

The standalone tunnel continues to be a huge hit! Many laughs and giggles have been shared in and around the tunnel. Many thanks again to Timery, Steve & JB for this awesome birthday gift!


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