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365: Day 194- Solo Parenting

7/14/13: Derek doesn't work double shifts very often, but I dread it when he does. We've been planning on joining the YMCA for awhile now; in anticipation of this weekend's stretch of solo parenting I got us signed up earlier this week! We opted for a family membership, because the only way our schedules will permit squeezing in time at the gym is if we have access to child care.

Derek was gone before 7am this morning. The kids and I had a leisurely breakfast before making our way to the Y. Not being a "gym person" by nature, I am so proud of myself - this was my second workout this weekend! We signed up on Wednesday night, and Derek and the kids made a visit on Thursday morning. I went for a solo workout on Friday morning before our haircut appointment, surviving nearly 25 minutes on the elliptical machine. In the past I have always stuck to bikes, rowing machines, or treadmills, so figuring out the elliptical was a big accomplishment for me.

S&Z were such troopers with the play room today. We were at a different branch than they went to on Thursday, and they were completely fine with me saying goodbye within just a few minutes of our arrival. I decided to take advantage of the child care and I took a peaceful shower after spending 30 minutes on the elliptical.

It feels so good to finally do something for myself. Sure, I get a monthly massage and a regular pedicure during the summer months, but I mean REALLY do something for myself. I have struggled with my weight for the last 5+ years and the battle just keeps getting harder and harder as I approach 40. I had a good power walking routine going last summer, but a foot injury and a brutal New England winter really set me back. I finally realized that it's time to remove weather and child care issues from the equation and JUST DO IT. 

So I'm doing it. YAY ME!

When we finished up at the gym I decided to treat us to lunch (and kill some time before naps). We headed to Jalapeno's Mexican Grill in Walpole, which is a restaurant I've been wanting to try but is a ways from our house. As we walked into the restaurant I reflected on how far we've come. It feels like such a milestone that I can comfortably take both of them out to lunch at a sit-down restaurant. By myself. Without any crayons/paper/cars/iDevices for explicit distraction. We sat in a section that happened to be playing loud Top 40 music, and we all loved it. Whenever they heard a song they recognized they said, "we have this one at home! we have this one in the car!".

Although we had a lovely lunch I was thankful that they took a 2-hour nap because I rested too. We had a busy family call schedule lined up before dinner, skype'ing with my Dad and Mary, and doing FaceTime with Sue and Bob. In between calls we brought leftover fried rice and tempura chicken to Derek for dinner. The kids decided they wanted to paint on the deck while we talked to Sue and Bob.

All in all, a pretty darn good day. Even by regular standards.


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