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This Time Last Year...

Two of my friends and co-workers are pregnant this fall and they both have due dates that are very close to what mine was last year. Nora is actually having boy-girl twins! As Nora's belly grows like mine did and Silas & Zoe's birthday approaches, I've been thinking a lot about what was going on at this time last year. The links to my last two blog posts before they were born are below.

My water broke one year ago tonight. I was on bedrest by this point, and (attempting to) relax at home on a Sunday night. Derek went to the space "for the last time". I poo-poo'd him and said that he would have plenty more time to go to the space, because I was convinced I would make it until 37-38 weeks. Silas and Zoe apparently had other plans... Around 9:30pm my water broke and by 10:00 or so labor was starting. Derek's music space is about 35 minutes away and he drove ~100mph to get home in order to get us to the hospital. In an effort to try and not panic until he got home, I took a long shower. We made it to the hospital and were admitted by 11pm. The prep for an emergency c-section started immediately. In some ways that night and those details are a blur, and in other ways it's all crystal clear. Either way, the core of my being has been changed forever.

I love traditions, and I can't wait to start some birthday traditions for our family. I have decided that the night before the birthday should be about me & Derek. We work our asses off and have sacrificed a ton as a couple, so we deserve a little parental celebration! I will plan it better next year so that we can actually go out, but for now I have poured a glass of malbec and am waiting for Derek to wake up so that we can order take-out and enjoy a little time together. For Silas & Zoe, I am taking the day off from work so that we can take them out to lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, The Dogwood Cafe in JP.

Our digital camera is 3 years old so we decided to get an upgrade prior to the big day. I played around with it tonight and got some good shots of the little monkeys.

As always, they are hilarious. Zoe has decided she wants to primarily communicate by growling like a dog. Stephanie joked that she will have a good career as a throat singer (check out this video - perhaps Zoe knows that I've spent a little time in a few Inuit villages!); Derek calls her "Evil Zoe". Here she is showing off her steadily improving balance, and doing "So Big" for the camera!

Silas decided that as of today he will consistently pull himself up to a stand. Yay!!!!! Here are a few pictures. They still have a thing for the tupperware bowls...

There is a lot more birthday fun to come!


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