The bed in our guest room has proven invaluable since Silas & Zoe were a few months old. We used to do a lot of things on the couch, like give bottles, snuggle, and take naps.

When the couch became too much of a hazard for possible falls, I moved shop to the guest bed. We eventually had to install guard rails to keep it a safe place for babies. This is my preferred spot for solo feedings.

We read most of our books here. S&Z are also really great and will chill out for a few minutes after their morning bottle while I finish getting ready for work. They look at books and listen to NPR. I like to think of it as early education :)

We like to play on the bed too.

And now playing includes a lot of MOVING!

When the couch became too much of a hazard for possible falls, I moved shop to the guest bed. We eventually had to install guard rails to keep it a safe place for babies. This is my preferred spot for solo feedings.

We read most of our books here. S&Z are also really great and will chill out for a few minutes after their morning bottle while I finish getting ready for work. They look at books and listen to NPR. I like to think of it as early education :)

We like to play on the bed too.

And now playing includes a lot of MOVING!

I have a couple of videos that I want to post of them moving and grooving but I am having technical difficulties. Bottom line: those rails aren't going to keep this bed safe for much longer!!!
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