Silas and Zoe are 4 months old today! It worked out great that I don't work on Friday's so that we could continue doing our traditional photo shoot on their "birthday". Unfortunately though, Zoe has had a stomach virus since Saturday and Silas has been cranky the last couple of days so we think he's coming down with it as well. We learned today that stomach viruses and cute birthday photo shoots don't mix. No cute smiling pictures of our dynamic duo were obtained today. In addition, they were both vomiting/spitting up in the time leading up to taking pictures, so it was pretty tough to keep their clothes unspoiled!
Here was Zoe chilling out this morning, waiting for her turn to get spiffed up.

I decided they would both wear jeans and t-shirts for pictures today, now that they are getting to be "big kids". Jeans aren't very comfortable to nap in, however, so here is a shot of them getting up from their nap, bare legs and all.
We tried to warm them up a little before we removed the bibs that were put on to spare the clothes from spit up.

First they listened to Daddy for instructions.

Then Mommy intervened.

And they just kept looking at us saying, "but we don't feel good!"

A break was taken for some quality time with Mortimer the Moose.

Jeans were once again removed and the second round of naps were taken. When they woke up, I took a few pictures of each baby by themselves. These came out much better than the group shots!

I tried again for Round 2, and this was as good as it got! I will always remember these pictures being taken amidst our first bout of a stomach virus :)
Here was Zoe chilling out this morning, waiting for her turn to get spiffed up.

I decided they would both wear jeans and t-shirts for pictures today, now that they are getting to be "big kids". Jeans aren't very comfortable to nap in, however, so here is a shot of them getting up from their nap, bare legs and all.
We tried to warm them up a little before we removed the bibs that were put on to spare the clothes from spit up.

First they listened to Daddy for instructions.

Then Mommy intervened.

And they just kept looking at us saying, "but we don't feel good!"

A break was taken for some quality time with Mortimer the Moose.

Jeans were once again removed and the second round of naps were taken. When they woke up, I took a few pictures of each baby by themselves. These came out much better than the group shots!

I tried again for Round 2, and this was as good as it got! I will always remember these pictures being taken amidst our first bout of a stomach virus :)

Poor Silas & Zoe, I hope they are feeling better.