Last Saturday was the start of most Farmer's Markets in MA and unfortunately it rained.
Derek went down to get us a few things, but we didn't go down as a family the way we will most Saturday mornings.
Today I was so happy that the weather was gorgeous.
I got a pedicure and then met Derek and the kids at the market.
We packed a picnic and enjoyed some live jazz music.
Derek's 2-1/2 week long vacation starts next Friday and we couldn't be happier!
Today's fresh produce purchases included a quart of the most delicious strawberries I've ever tasted, broccoli rabe, spinach, french radishes, and harukai turnips. We'll eat the radishes and turnips raw in the picnic we're having tomorrow at Hale Reservation. The broccoli rabe will be used in a spinach fettucine dish with broccoli rabe and hot turkey sausage. Tonight I made a risotto-style orzo with grilled summer squash, sauteed turnip greens, and roasted chickpeas.
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