6/23/12: We're still not doing full-on potty training, but as we get closer to that we decided to get a seat for the big potty. Derek said both kids wanted nothing to do with it when he first tried to introduce the new seat a few days ago, but today they were ALL ABOUT IT. I think each of them used it successfully at least 3 times. I'm pretty sure we'll be saying bye-bye to the little potty's after our upcoming vacation.
Well it's been a busy 3 years since I last posted! Stay tuned as we may have more posts coming now that it looks like I have a new contributor... Silas recently read a book called "Starting Your Own Blog", and now he is bound and determined for us to let him start his own blog! We convinced him that he should start out by drafting content and a posting calendar. We made templates this morning and he wrote his first "post" today!
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