Silas and Zoe were born at 35 weeks, 4 days via emergency c-section.
Silas Maxwell was Twin A and he came first, weighing in at 6 pounds, 14 ounces. He narrowly escaped any time in the NICU and was with us on the newborn nursery floor for the entire duration of our 5-day hospital stay.
Zoe Lee arrived by storm two minutes after her brother. She weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces. She spent 21 long days on the NICU. The day she came home and we were finally all together was the happiest day of my life.
Silas is smiling most of the time. He has a great sense of humor complete with an awesome belly laugh and at times he is a total goof ball. He is also a cautious, sensitive kid who has a bit of a temper. Daddy is Silas' favorite person in the whole world.

Zoe has a huge personality. She is really in tune with the world around her and the people in it. She is turning into a little smarty-farty who is constantly showing us how much she knows. She is a big snuggler and she definitely has my number.

Silas Maxwell was Twin A and he came first, weighing in at 6 pounds, 14 ounces. He narrowly escaped any time in the NICU and was with us on the newborn nursery floor for the entire duration of our 5-day hospital stay.
Zoe Lee arrived by storm two minutes after her brother. She weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces. She spent 21 long days on the NICU. The day she came home and we were finally all together was the happiest day of my life.
Silas is smiling most of the time. He has a great sense of humor complete with an awesome belly laugh and at times he is a total goof ball. He is also a cautious, sensitive kid who has a bit of a temper. Daddy is Silas' favorite person in the whole world.

Here is our hilarious little girl who keeps us all on our toes...