6/21/12: This is not the photo of the day, it is merely an excuse for why I missed the first one in 172 days. Derek is on vacation and my vacation finally started too, so we asked his mom to come over and babysit so that we could have a date night. Derek picked me up at the lab and we headed directly to the North End. I realized in the middle of dinner that since I didn't see the kids before bed (which never happens) that I didn't get to take the picture of the day. I was disappointed for missing one, but it was all for a good cause - US!
Well it's been a busy 3 years since I last posted! Stay tuned as we may have more posts coming now that it looks like I have a new contributor... Silas recently read a book called "Starting Your Own Blog", and now he is bound and determined for us to let him start his own blog! We convinced him that he should start out by drafting content and a posting calendar. We made templates this morning and he wrote his first "post" today!
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