We decided to get Zoe's haircut on Saturday morning at a place geared towards kids called Snip-Its . Neither Derek nor I anticipated what a meltdown Zoe was going to have. The haircut is half-assed at best and Derek will have to fix it when she's more calm. We were so traumatized that we headed to the park to get the day going on a better foot! We went back to Larz Anderson, the park where the Psychiatry picnic was held on Thursday . It is really close to our house and is lovely and shaded. I think it's one of my new favorite spots! The kids like it too :) S&Z love playing with wood chips, so there was a lot of that! Snacks were enjoyed on the bench and I tried to get a few pictures of the haircut... Excuse me, I'm chewing pretzels :) This morning we met up with Wendy, Dave, Sydney & Ivy at the Newton Center Playground. It was HOT HOT HOT, and there wasn't too much shade. The kids have inherited my low tolerance for heat, so they spe...
haha, I am glad she loves the outfit! Love the "strangle-hold" while feeding.