We were all home this morning, including my parents who are visiting this week. Silas was playing with Zoe and he climbed up on a folding chair in the living room. I was in the nursery putting clothes away when I heard a pain scream. I ran into the living room where Derek was comforting him - he had toppled off the side of the chair. I noticed that the top part of his ear had turned purple and was bleeding. A LOT. Apparently he smashed his ear on a metal rack that holds the puzzles. YIKES. I proceeded to freak out while Derek kicked into EMT mode.
Silas was such a trooper while we (and by we I mean Derek) assessed the damage, cleaned up his ear, and put ice on it. Of course Zoe was very concerned while this was all happening. She hovered over him, patting his back and shushing him. After the kids took a shower Derek taped gauze over the wound to keep it clean and protected.
All day Zoe kept saying "Siyas boo-boo ear", and she would pretend to kiss it and then say "all better"! She also talked about how "Dada fix Siyas boo-boo". Silas on the other hand didn't say too much about it. This was the 2nd bleeding injury he's had in less than 24 hours (last night he fell and had a mouth bleed). Then tonight at bedtime Zoe proceeded to close his fingers in the bedroom door as we were getting ready for bed.
Poor kid :-( Let's hope he can stay injury free for the remainder of Christmas vacation!!!
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