8/23/13: By the time we woke up on Friday morning morning, major road work had started in front of our house. S&Z spent most of the morning watching all the trucks.
I knew that Silas needed to be seen again before the weekend, so I called as soon as the clinic opened and we got an appointment with Dr. R. for 11:15.
Derek's mom was scheduled for a procedure + infusion at Dana Farber, so he headed out to check in with his parents and I took the kids to Silas' appointment.
We were there for over 1.5 hours and Dr. R. was with us almost the entire time. The only time she wasn't in the room was when she called to consult with two different specialists at Boston Children's Hospital, and consulted with another pediatrician who she had come in to see us for a 2nd opinion. It was a LONG time for the 3 of us to be stuck in a clinic room!
At the end of the appointment, after going round and round about the persistent lymphangitis mark on his arm, the new rash spots on his legs, and the blisters on his arms, Dr. R. finally decided that she thinks he has poison ivy exposure on top of everything else...
Oils on their shoes could be the culprit, and it seems like the rash on my neck is likely poison ivy, not one of Silas' bacterial infections. We scrubbed all of their shoes + the basket, and then poured ourselves a cocktail...
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