It's the eve of our 2nd birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! So much fun stuff to come!
We were sure to read Happy Birthday, Thomas and On the Day You Were Born before bed tonight. Now that the house is quiet and cleaned up, I'm just waiting for Daddy Derek to wake up and for our congratulatory thai food to arrive. We have survived yet another year with this crazy schedule!!!
Silas was his usual happy, adorable self this morning. I was trying to get a picture of him wearing his "Child Scientist" t-shirt from my friend Kristin's lab at the U of WI. I couldn't get a good shot of the logo, instead you can simply see how happy he is in the kitchen on his stool :-)
Tonight for birthday eve we stayed up a little late and played with play-doh using the awesome craft trays that Wendy recently found for us. The trays are great because they help contain the mess for lots of projects (says the OCD Mommy)! They are going to get a lot of use with art projects this winter!!!
We hung up this week's project from our Sticky Fingers art class. Miss Donna had paints and cut up sponges so that we could paint foliage on the trees.
Our fridge is filling up with adorable, seasonal projects!
We were sure to read Happy Birthday, Thomas and On the Day You Were Born before bed tonight. Now that the house is quiet and cleaned up, I'm just waiting for Daddy Derek to wake up and for our congratulatory thai food to arrive. We have survived yet another year with this crazy schedule!!!
You can read about what we were up to on last year's Birthday Eve here!
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