As the parent of a young toddler, you will find yourself making a lot of animal sounds. Some of the sounds your kids might catch onto right away ('woof-woof' in our house), whereas with others you can tell they get it but they just won't produce the sound themselves ('quack'). Awhile back I caught Silas saying 'moo' to the Leapfrog refrigerator barn. After months and months of me saying moo, he ultimately produced the cow sound to an electronic toy as if that's where he learned it!
Wendy recently gave us a Fisher Price Little People Jungle. It has been a BIG HIT around here and is probably one of the current favorites. Within a day of getting the jungle, both kids started spontaneously roaring. Here's an undercover video I shot when I heard them. They are the cutest little lions I've ever heard!!!
Wendy recently gave us a Fisher Price Little People Jungle. It has been a BIG HIT around here and is probably one of the current favorites. Within a day of getting the jungle, both kids started spontaneously roaring. Here's an undercover video I shot when I heard them. They are the cutest little lions I've ever heard!!!
Hey, I'm just catching up after about a week. I'm so sorry things are miserable with the sinus infections and stuff! I hope you were all able to relax and recuperate a bit this weekend. Love you guys!