Zoe Lee was born 2 minutes after her brother, weighing 6 pounds, 3 ounces. We joke that it had to be Silas who caused my water to break at 35w, 4d because Zoe just wasn't ready to be here yet. Initial respiratory distress sent her to the NICU, and she ended up staying 21 days in the hospital. It was the hardest 3 weeks of our lives. We were so thrilled when Zoe was discharged and we were all home together as a family.
Zoe was a cranky baby who had a rough start of things. She had pretty bad reflux which led to a love-hate relationship with her bottle. It took a little longer for Zoe's personality to start to emerge, and she made us work pretty hard for those initial social interactions.

Zoe's personality changed dramatically as soon as we introduced solids around 5-1/2 months.

Derek and I wondered aloud one day in April about who had swapped out our cranky, tempermental daughter for a smiley, happy baby who was full of laughs. Thankfully the new Zoe has stuck around ever since!

Around this same time, Zoe started talking. A LOT. Here are two of my favorite videos from that time.

Zoe has a really big personality. She experienced her stranger and separation anxiety earlier than Silas and now she loves to ham it up for everyone. She is definitely a mommy's girl and she loves to snuggle with us. She is very busy these days, cruising along furniture and starting to stand independently. Her attention is more distributed across her environment and she is into lots of different things. She loves music, and she likes to "jam", especially during NPR segueway music. We definitely think she got the musical genes!

Going along with Zoe's big personality is a flair for drama. Over the summer she started getting really upset when Silas would take her toy or when she wanted something he had and he wouldn't turn it over. In these cases she puts her forehead down on the ground and sobs. Sometimes she will instead flatten her whole body on the ground and she cries the saddest cry you have ever heard. She may end up being well suited for dramatic theatre in the future :)

Zoe is definitely a bright, shining light in our family!

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