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Silas Maxwell

I usually talk about Silas & Zoe as a pair, so I wanted to take this opportunity to make a post about each of them separately. Now that their first birthday is approaching, I should probably start treating them as individuals :)

Silas Maxwell's entry is coming first - he was twin A after all! Silas weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces when he was born; we are convinced that he would have been a 10 pound baby if he was a full-term singleton.

Silas came home from the hospital when I discharged, 3 weeks prior to his sister's breakout from the NICU.

He caught up on the growth chart very quickly, and by the time he was a month old he started chunking out and growing like a weed.

Silas has been an easy baby from the beginning and he has a very sweet temperament. He was the first one to smile and the first one to laugh. He laughs very easily and it's quite contagious! He can be quite goofy at times and he thinks Zoe is absolutely hilarious. When we go on playdates and other outings, I learned early on to bring Silas into the new environment first because he can quickly adapt to new surroundings and will let unfamiliar people hold him. This is an adaptive trait when you are a twin! Silas has an amazing level of sustained attention for his age, and he will sit and play with one thing for long periods of time. Once he started sitting up, his favorite toy quickly became the cookie jar shape sorter from received as a gift from his cousins Joyce & Darlene. He happily plays with it until Zoe comes along and infringes on his toy.

Over the summer, Silas & Zoe have been developing their own brother-sister dynamic. They love each other because they know no different, but they also drive each other nuts! Toy stealing is a two way street. Silas is a lot bigger than Zoe, so he tries to settle the score with brute force. He grabs her shirt by the neck and pulls her down, he pushes her over, he makes a move like he's going to bite her, or he just rips the toy right back out of her hands. He definitely has a temper on him, and it will be interesting to see how things between them play out over the years!

Silas has developed quite a love for books. This was most recently demonstrated around 6:45 am one morning. "Pat the Bunny" was a book that had been up on a higher shelf on the bookcase, just out of S&Z's reach. Somehow the book got pulled down that morning, and Silas immediately noticed there was a new book in the mix (which is pretty remarkable because we have a ton of books!). Typically both Silas & Zoe are pretty frantic for their morning bottle because they go about 12 hours between the last bottle before bed and the first bottle in the morning. On this particular morning, Silas would not come over and drink his bottle until he had "read" the entire book! It's an interactive book, so I sat and watched him touch the bunny, put his finger through the hole where mommy's ring is, etc. Being a bookworm myself, I am thrilled to see him enamored by books at such an early age!

Silas also loves animals. He is particularly fond of Salvador,

And Serena.

We are working hard on teaching him the meaning of the word "gentle", as it importantly pertains to animals, Mommy, and Zoe right now. Silas also loves dogs, even though he hasn't been around them much before. We were at the park recently, and my little explorer decided to crawl off in to the field.

Auntie Vanessa went to retrieve him and an elderly woman with her dog stopped to chat for awhile.

He is definitely our fearless kid! He has also decided that is going to ignore the word "no" right now. After many "stern" reprimands to not grab the lamp, my glasses, or Serena, he will just look up at us and smile and sometimes he even laughs...

Silas' favorite person in the whole world is Derek and he instantly lights up when he hears Daddy's keys jangle in the door each morning. They have a special bond and it has been so neat to watch it develop.

And of course he loves Daddy best, he lets him drink beer :)

Silas is my sweet, handsome little boy...


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