My mom was here helping us for two weeks and sadly she left yesterday morning. This is the third trip she has made to Boston in the last 11 months and I can't even describe how much we appreciate her help!
Silas & Zoe turn 11 months (!!!) tomorrow, so it's an interesting age for an "outsider" to come into the house full immersion for an extended visit. S&Z are all about Mommy & Daddy right now, so it took them a little while to get used to having another caretaker around. But before you knew it, they were all warmed up and loving having Grandma here 24-7!

Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate as much as I would have liked. I took 4 days off from work while she was here in hopes that we could get out and do some fun stuff. It ended up raining the first week of her visit. I needed to get some fall clothes set for S&Z, so we ended up doing some clothes shopping.
We also went to visit my friend, Eliza, at her parent's house in Wenham (about 1 hour north of Boston). Eliza has been traveling around Europe for the last 6 weeks so it was great to see her again!

Eliza's nephew, Sam, who is the same age as S&Z happened to be at her house when we visited, so it also turned into a fun playdate!

Grandma spent a lot of quality floor time with S&Z during her stay,

And she helped out with baths!

We tried to skype with Grandpa Dave, but ended up having internet connection problems.

We introduced S&Z to JP Lick's too!

They liked the taste of the strawberry frozen yogurt,

But they weren't sure about how cold it was.

Of course there were lots of songs and stories too.

And a 3-generation picture was taken before Grandma left for the airport.

Another great part of having my mom here was getting out of the house without the babies! Derek and I went to an awesome dinner at Ten Tables in JP; I went to an LCN party at Vanessa's house and stayed out until a whopping 10:30pm, and I also went shopping with a girlfriend one afternoon.
Having Grandma visit put a big deposit into our emotional bank account. Thanks, Mom!!! We love you!!!!!
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