3/29/14: On Saturday morning we hosted a neuroscience-focused field trip for a group of 6-7 year old girls who participate in a STEM club in Milton, MA.
Total girl power!
Of course they were enthralled, since they don't play on any devices at home. #dowhatchagottado
We talked to them about the brain and showed some of the different methods we use to study brain development.
These girls were AWESOME!
Total girl power!
In the afternoon, I dragged S&Z to the Verizon store so that I could take care of my 2-yr phone upgrade. Upon arrival I could tell we would be there for a VERY LONG TIME so I parked them in front of sales floor iPads for the duration.
Of course they were enthralled, since they don't play on any devices at home. #dowhatchagottado
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