7/6/13: Derek went back to work today so I'm trying to batten down the hatches and get S&Z back on a more predictable schedule. The heat wave in Boston continues, so I opted for a solo trip to the Farmer's Market this morning. Afterwards we split up for grocery shopping - Zoe and Derek went to BJ's and Silas and I went to Stop 'n Shop.
Our neighbor Tracy invited us over for a post-nap playdate. All the kids were very busy and had a blast! There was lots to do between playing in the sandbox,
And watering the vegetable garden and picking lettuce.
The highlight of the afternoon for S&Z, though, was learning how to drive the "dune racer" that Josef got for his 5th birthday. First Josef took Silas on a test drive,
After our playdate we had a simple summer supper of hot dogs, beans, and cole slaw. Silas informed me this morning that he doesn't like hot dogs, so I made him a BJ's salmon burger instead. I put together the cole slaw after S&Z went down for their nap, using my favorite shortcut mix.
Our neighbor Tracy invited us over for a post-nap playdate. All the kids were very busy and had a blast! There was lots to do between playing in the sandbox,
Playing with the sprinklers,
And then Silas took over at the wheel.
Zoe was up next,
And finally, double trouble ended up in the car together.
Don't worry, Tracy - we'll be over first thing tomorrow morning ;)
Cook's Notes: We had an awesome mommy lunch before nap today, and I think I set a new record at 12 total components! Included in today's veggie offerings included Farmer's Market sugar snap peas, haruki turnips, radishes, kohlrabi, and cucumbers, along with store-bought carrots; fruit included blueberries and strawberries. For protein there was some turkey, cheddar cheese, and a few almonds, and as always Silas got a dill pickle.After our playdate we had a simple summer supper of hot dogs, beans, and cole slaw. Silas informed me this morning that he doesn't like hot dogs, so I made him a BJ's salmon burger instead. I put together the cole slaw after S&Z went down for their nap, using my favorite shortcut mix.
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