4/19/13: Just when you think a terrible week can't get any worse...
I don't work on Friday's so we had a lazy morning. S&Z were up by 7:30 and they got into bed with us to snuggle. When we finally got up a little after 8:00 I was shocked to see my phone on fire with missed calls and text messages. We turned on the news to get up to speed. S&Z are too young to understand what has been happening this week, but they are little sponges who absorb the energy of what's going on around them. Their behavior was out of control as we were trying to get breakfast on the table, make coffee, and figure out what was happening. We pretty quickly switched from televised news to NPR to try and minimize the impact of the news in the house. For the first time I can remember, both kids declared after breakfast that they needed some quiet time.
Zoe opted to read books in their bedroom,
And Silas laid on "Grandma's bed" and put money in his piggybank.
I would say this was a pretty healthy way to deal with the stress of an unprecedented "shelter-in-place" order. Meanwhile, Derek and I handled the stress in my usual way - cooking. He made bacon and eggs in a hole, and I got refried black beans going in the crockpot.
Once the kids got themselves back on track they had a blast playing on the back deck in the warm spring weather. I was too distracted to get many pictures, but they ate snack and played with lots and lots of bubbles.
They even ate their mommy lunch outside.
After the kids got up from their nap I decided to venture safely into the suburbs to do some Target shopping. It felt really good to get out of the house.
Once again Derek had to work during all of this madness :(. Someday Zoe and Silas will understand what Daddy and so many other first responders - police/EMS/fire - did to keep our city safe this week.
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