1/27/13: Once Silas puts his hands behind his head we joke that he has assumed the sleep position. He's been napping very well recently because he is still sick sick sick.
I took him to the pediatrician on Saturday morning because we were going on 8 days of a fever + he had also developed a hacking, croup-y sounding cough. He has a double ear infection courtesy of haemophilus influenzae. This is all after his flu resolved on its own, probably around day 5. Hopefully the z-pack will work some magic!
Zoe has what was thought to be viral conjunctivitis. When I mentioned this to Dr. R she said that with the presence of h. influenza in her environment that we're probably dealing with a bacterial infection. She gave us a prescription for eye drops which need to be given 3x/day, 2 drops in each eye. Those of you who know and love Zoe can imagine how fun that has been!
Thankfully we were both home on Sat. because we had to pin her down for the first treatment. She woke up from her nap so crusted over that she needed a warm washcloth to loosen things up so that she could open her eyes. Today things seem a lot better and after 24 hours of drops she is no longer contagious.
And to top it all off, after 2+ weeks of dealing with two sick kids the Momma plane has finally been shot down. I've been generally unwell since Friday - Dr. R. said I probably have the flu. Derek is the last one standing and he called in sick all weekend to help keep the rest of us afloat.
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