11/28/12: The kids wake up between 7 and 7:30 these days, and Derek needs to be up around 7:30 on the days that I work. S&Z have recently started waking him up in the morning. What this typically entails is Zoe blasting the door open so that it bumps up against the bed. Then both kids stand there and stare at him until he opens his eyes. Zoe is recovering from a bad tumble on Sunday night that resulted in a big goose egg on her forehead, so today she decided to just climb into bed with Daddy and tell him that her boo-boo still hurts... And of course Silas was right behind her :)
Well it's been a busy 3 years since I last posted! Stay tuned as we may have more posts coming now that it looks like I have a new contributor... Silas recently read a book called "Starting Your Own Blog", and now he is bound and determined for us to let him start his own blog! We convinced him that he should start out by drafting content and a posting calendar. We made templates this morning and he wrote his first "post" today!
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