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Lesson Learned

Several of my CHB friends were attending the Psychiatry summer picnic on Thursday night and since it was being held at a park close to our house I decided to crash with the kids. S&Z are walking  and listening to instructions pretty well these days, so I decided to park and let them walk to the picnic area instead of bringing the stroller or wagon.

The picnic was fun! There was fresh squeezed lemonade and lots of good food,

Some of our friends were there! We got to see Elliot and Nathaniel,

And Stefan,

And Wally the Green Monster showed up too! Zoe wanted nothing to do with him,

But Silas went over to say hey.

I ended up pushing our departure too close to bedtime. Both kids had complete meltdowns and I ended up seriously regretting my earlier optimism of not bringing the stroller...

Alissa Westerlund was publicly humbled tonight. At a hospital event. Past bedtime. One.parent+two.toddlers.tantru​mming. Far from the car with no stroller or wagon to move their little noodle-like bodies from point A to point B. Lesson learned.
    • Stephanie Wagner The picture you paint is not pretty
      Thursday at 10:39pm · 
    • Alissa Westerlund And that description does not nearly do it justice!
      Thursday at 10:45pm · 
    • Gwen Palmiscno Collins Been there. I so feel your pain. Hope they sleep well tonight.
      Thursday at 10:52pm · 
    • Kara Burke Wolf I feel for you!
      Thursday at 10:54pm · 
    • Amy Cox Weber Brings back a memory from 5 years ago, a company picnic, a tired boy and way too far from the car. (I did not go the next year)
      Thursday at 11:14pm · 
    • Eugenia Chan nothing like tantruming limp toddlers IN STEREO. think of them as extra-challenging bicep curls and combine with forward squats towards nearest vehicle
      Friday at 3:39am · 
    • Joanna Abrams Poor Alissa! How did you haul them off the scene? And what's the lesson-- no late nights or no late nights without a wagon? Either way, hope everyone is recovered!
      Friday at 8:38am · 
    • Teresa Vanderboom Oh dear....I must get the scoop on this. Sounds like I have things to look forward to, eh? :) Hope everyone is feeling better today!
      Friday at 9:06am · 
    • Alissa Westerlund 
      ‎@Eugenia- they were so limp-noodley that I couldn't even carry both of them! @Joanna- Zoe got left in the middle of the field (I gave her a pen - the only thing in my bag that quieted her for a minute) while I ran Silas to plop him next to a fence near the car, then went back to get Zoe. I think tantrums are cathartic (for them) in some ways. They were happy as clams the rest of the night, even with a nearly 9pm bedtime (although they had wicked toddler hangovers today). Lesson is no late nights (when outnumbered at least) without the wagon or stroller!!
      Friday at 1:31pm · 
    • Larry Dutra Wow! That sounds difficult and stressful.
      Friday at 3:27pm · 
    • Carrie Price Mauras Sounds like you handled it beautifully!
      Friday at 4:17pm · 
    • Carrie Price Mauras Not that I'm surprised...
      Friday at 4:18pm · 
    • Mary Ann Dutra They have a way of doing that from time to time. Most of us have been there. Hope to see you and Derek this October.
      Yesterday at 8:45am · 
    • Samantha Butler They were angels when i saw them. We also had a bit of a meltdown so we split very fast. For us, Tired+lemonade and ice-cream for dinner led to problematic behavior.
      5 minutes ago · 


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