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A Day of Traveling

Going places is fun, but getting there is not always so fun. I would say this is especially when traveling with two (nearly) 8-month-old infants! I've been plotting and planning the details of our (first flying) trip to Minnesota and North Dakota for sometime now, and the big day of traveling was Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. I spent all day Friday packing and organizing and we managed to get by with two backpack carry-ons and 3 pieces of checked luggage (one for me, one for Derek, and one for S&Z). The total weight of the 3 checked bags was 122 pounds!

Our flight was at 1:30pm on Saturday, so Derek dropped me & the babies off at the Delta terminal around 11am and he went to park the car.

We waited for Derek inside the terminal, had bottles, and talked to a couple of nice women who were traveling home from Aruba. Silas & Zoe are very curious about new people these days...

Derek arrived back at the terminal with the rest of the luggage lickety-split and we were ready to check-in and make our way through security.

I followed some tips from the MA twin moms group (aka, MMOTA) to make the process as smooth as possible. First and foremost, have one parent manage the babies and one parent manage the stuff. This worked very well for us and we were on our way to the gate before we knew it.

S&Z now eat 3 meals a day and our flight was at 1:30pm so we needed to feed them (and us!) lunch before boarding the plane.

They are pretty good at entertaining each other these days, so as soon as they were done eating we faced them toward each other to play and quickly ate lunch ourselves.

The flight itself was so-so... Anyone who has traveled with a lap infant knows about the trials and tribulations: people next to you can be cranky, the seats are too small, delays happen, etc. Zoe sat with Derek in the seat in front of me & Silas, and she provided some good entertainment for Silas when he was cranky during descent.

We were on the plane for 4 total hours due to a delay in Boston, so we were all totally over it by the time we landed in Minneapolis around 4pm. Stephanie met us in baggage claim to give a hand with babies and luggage while we got the rental car and installed the carseats. The babies were very happy to see their auntie!!

After spending far too long at National Car Rental, we were on our way out to my aunt & uncle's house on Lake Minnetonka... Let the vacation begin!!!


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