I had my 35-week OB appointment yesterday morning, and the end result was BEDREST.
As many of you know, life in general has become increasingly difficult for me to manage due to the large amount of weight I am carrying around, combined with a lot of pelvic discomfort (I hesitate to use the word "pain" knowing what's to come). In addition, the Braxton Hicks contractions have really picked up in the last week or so, particularly when I work/move around/do anything at all.
Since I reported increased contractions to Dr. Gibbs at the appt, she decided to do an exam. She found that I am 80% effaced (meaning my cervix is almost completely thinned out) and baby boy's head is at station 0 (meaning he is fully engaged). "No wonder you're so uncomfortable!", she said. We will find out at Friday's ultrasound whether or not baby girl has changed position, but I suspect she has not. In the meantime of confirming her position, Dr. Gibbs is working on scheduling the C-section for right around 38 weeks (10/21). I asked her if she thinks I will make it that far and she said no, based on the exam results. "Hopefully bedrest will help", was her response.
So bedrest is the order, "and that does not mean working from home!" she said. I went to lab yesterday to try to wrap things up, clean up my office, get my short-term disability paperwork started, and say my goodbyes. My co-workers are awesome and ran out to get a cake to surprise me!
The cake says "Happy Baby Vacay!" in case you can't read it :)

Today was my first day of bedrest, which meant a little more work, an appointment to get the carseats installed, and bringing more short-term disability paperwork to HR. I have one last conference call tomorrow and then the hard core resting will begin. It's a good thing I wasn't in lab today, because apparently someone put a cinnamon bun in the toaster oven on a piece of wax paper and it started on fire! The entire building had to be evacuated! OooOOhhhh, I would have been very cranky to be standing outside in my current state :)
I hope to cook the babies for at least two more weeks, so please send restful thoughts my way. Derek continues to be a saint and I am so lucky to have him as my husband!!! Speaking of cooking, he just finished making us dinner so I'll sign off for now...
As many of you know, life in general has become increasingly difficult for me to manage due to the large amount of weight I am carrying around, combined with a lot of pelvic discomfort (I hesitate to use the word "pain" knowing what's to come). In addition, the Braxton Hicks contractions have really picked up in the last week or so, particularly when I work/move around/do anything at all.
Since I reported increased contractions to Dr. Gibbs at the appt, she decided to do an exam. She found that I am 80% effaced (meaning my cervix is almost completely thinned out) and baby boy's head is at station 0 (meaning he is fully engaged). "No wonder you're so uncomfortable!", she said. We will find out at Friday's ultrasound whether or not baby girl has changed position, but I suspect she has not. In the meantime of confirming her position, Dr. Gibbs is working on scheduling the C-section for right around 38 weeks (10/21). I asked her if she thinks I will make it that far and she said no, based on the exam results. "Hopefully bedrest will help", was her response.
So bedrest is the order, "and that does not mean working from home!" she said. I went to lab yesterday to try to wrap things up, clean up my office, get my short-term disability paperwork started, and say my goodbyes. My co-workers are awesome and ran out to get a cake to surprise me!

Today was my first day of bedrest, which meant a little more work, an appointment to get the carseats installed, and bringing more short-term disability paperwork to HR. I have one last conference call tomorrow and then the hard core resting will begin. It's a good thing I wasn't in lab today, because apparently someone put a cinnamon bun in the toaster oven on a piece of wax paper and it started on fire! The entire building had to be evacuated! OooOOhhhh, I would have been very cranky to be standing outside in my current state :)
I hope to cook the babies for at least two more weeks, so please send restful thoughts my way. Derek continues to be a saint and I am so lucky to have him as my husband!!! Speaking of cooking, he just finished making us dinner so I'll sign off for now...
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