Once September rolled around I started working at home one day per week. I am very thankful that I have the flexibility to do that! The ratio of home:lab days has now become more skewed towards home, so that I'm now regularly aiming for 3 days home and 2 days in lab. As you might be able to imagine from the picture below, I am pretty miserable these days. I attempted to wear my Keen sandals on the day this picture was taken (33 weeks, 5 days) and that lasted for about 2.55 seconds. I have been sporting flip flips for weeks and weeks now due to my feet being incredibly swollen. We estimate that I'm now carrying ~ 12 pounds of baby!

Dave is here working at a food show this week, so it's been great to see him. I just wish I was in a better mood! At the end of the workday, I head straight to bed for the evening. It's been hard this week, because on the days I've been in lab I end up having contractions pretty constantly by the time the afternoon rolls around. The only thing that will get them to stop is lying down when I get home. The second I get out of bed they start again. It's definitely the body's way of "practicing" for what's ahead, but they are uncomfortable to say the least.
Derek just keeps saying that the end is in sight. He's been great about giving me rides to work and making sure we don't go hungry. Honestly, he's become quite the awesome cook over the last few months as my energy for making dinner has waned. We joke that I may never cook again! He has officially been done with dispatch training for a couple of weeks now, and is going into his 3rd week of overnights (11:30pm-7:30am). The initial schedule transition was very difficult, but he's getting into a routine and figuring out what works for him at this stage. Obviously that will all go out the window once the babies arrive, but that will be true for both of us. Indeed, life will never be the same again...
We're getting very excited to meet them, but do hope they will stay camped out in their "fetal housing unit" (i.e., my belly) for a few more weeks. Derek assembled bouncy seats yesterday and set up a lamp and c.d. player in the nursery. Their room is ready and waiting for their arrival! I just need to hang a couple of pictures on the walls and then I promise I will post the final pictures.
Next week we should have more information about their growth, positions, c-section plans, etc. I see the OB on Tuesday morning and have another ultrasound on Friday. We'll keep you posted!

Dave is here working at a food show this week, so it's been great to see him. I just wish I was in a better mood! At the end of the workday, I head straight to bed for the evening. It's been hard this week, because on the days I've been in lab I end up having contractions pretty constantly by the time the afternoon rolls around. The only thing that will get them to stop is lying down when I get home. The second I get out of bed they start again. It's definitely the body's way of "practicing" for what's ahead, but they are uncomfortable to say the least.
Derek just keeps saying that the end is in sight. He's been great about giving me rides to work and making sure we don't go hungry. Honestly, he's become quite the awesome cook over the last few months as my energy for making dinner has waned. We joke that I may never cook again! He has officially been done with dispatch training for a couple of weeks now, and is going into his 3rd week of overnights (11:30pm-7:30am). The initial schedule transition was very difficult, but he's getting into a routine and figuring out what works for him at this stage. Obviously that will all go out the window once the babies arrive, but that will be true for both of us. Indeed, life will never be the same again...
We're getting very excited to meet them, but do hope they will stay camped out in their "fetal housing unit" (i.e., my belly) for a few more weeks. Derek assembled bouncy seats yesterday and set up a lamp and c.d. player in the nursery. Their room is ready and waiting for their arrival! I just need to hang a couple of pictures on the walls and then I promise I will post the final pictures.
Next week we should have more information about their growth, positions, c-section plans, etc. I see the OB on Tuesday morning and have another ultrasound on Friday. We'll keep you posted!
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