We had my 18-week ultrasound this morning which, as many of you know, we were VERY excited about! The scans took over an hour because they check the brain, heart, kidneys, bladder and stomach for each baby. The good news is that at this stage both babies look healthy! Yay!!!
And we were able to find out the sexes for both babies.... and we are truly blessed with one boy (Baby A) and one girl (Baby B)! The pictures below are a little freaky because they take 3-D scans. The reason I chose to post these two pictures in particular is because you can see them snuggling up, head to head. In the pictures, the girl is higher up on the right and the boy is a little lower down on the left. The sonographer had a hard time imaging all of the boys organs because the girl was squishing him. "Bossy already, like her mother"...
And we were able to find out the sexes for both babies.... and we are truly blessed with one boy (Baby A) and one girl (Baby B)! The pictures below are a little freaky because they take 3-D scans. The reason I chose to post these two pictures in particular is because you can see them snuggling up, head to head. In the pictures, the girl is higher up on the right and the boy is a little lower down on the left. The sonographer had a hard time imaging all of the boys organs because the girl was squishing him. "Bossy already, like her mother"...

Congratulations! A boy and a girl sounds just perfect to me. So glad to hear they both got a clean bill of health. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!