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Midwest Travels, Part I

The first part of my trip home was spent in Minneapolis, and I could not have had a more perfect visit. My air travels were smooth with no delays and I arrived on time around 8:30pm on Friday night. Stephanie and I stayed up talking and catching up far too late, of course! We awoke to PERFECT Minnesota June weather on Saturday morning. First we went to the Sunny Side for brunch and then we hit the Lyndale Farmer's Market. This market is a cross between a flea market, a fair, and a traditional farmer's market. We treated ourselves to chair massages from Shiatsu Ben, which were pretty darn awesome. As we were perusing the market after our massages we came across a table for Flax USA, which is one of Dave's big customers. I think Stephanie should be their new spokesperson...

We met up with Jim & Andrew for coffee at Java Jack's in the afternoon which enabled us to extend our enjoyment of a perfect day...

There were lots of dogs and kids passing by to keep us entertained. I ended up talking to a mother of 11-month-old twins and was able to "test drive" her BOB Revolution Duallie stroller. Hopefully Derek & I will make up our minds about which stroller we want soon!

Dad & Mary came over for a BBQ on Saturday night to celebrate Dad's birthday and Father's Day. Jim grilled bison brats and Stephanie made yummy scalloped potatoes. We took advantage of the PERFECT weather (did I mention how perfect the weather was all weekend?) and sat outside on Stephanie's deck.

Stephanie was a knitting machine all weekend and took advantage of some downtime to work on one of the baby blankets she is making for us! How cute is she, all color coordinated with the electric blue?!

Dad is doing awesome after his stroke a few months ago and it was so great to be able to spend some quality time with him and Mary!

On Sunday Stephanie, Jim & I had a picnic near the Rose & Peace Gardens at Lake Harriet. She had to fly to MI later in the afternoon so it was a great way to end our weekend together.

The gardens were beautiful and there were several wedding parties being photographed so they were fun to watch. It reminded me of our perfect wedding day at the Arboretum in October!

The weekend ended with a steak dinner over at Dad & Mary's before catching the Amtrak (overnight) to Grand Forks. I can't say I was too sad that this was my last Amtrak ride between Minneapolis and Grand Forks (from here on out, Derek & I will rent a car in Minneapolis in order to transport the babes). I slept for approximately 0 minutes out of 6 hours and we arrived over 30 minutes late in GF. THANKS, DAVE for picking me up at 5:30am!!

More trip pix and stories to follow...


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