Stephanie and my aunt Sue hosted a beautiful baby shower for me last Saturday at Sue's house on Lake Minnetonka. The shower had the cutest rubber duck theme, complete with coordinating punch and cake! Here are the beautiful hostesses.

Stephanie put together one of the games where guests were supposed to guess how many baby socks, caps & onesies were in a large jar. Sue came up with cute a "Price is Right" game where you guessed the prices of various baby items and whoever came closest to the total without going over the real cost won. Of course the prizes were Aveda products, so Sandi & Sukoshi were pretty darn excited when they won!

We had lots of sunshine, yummy food, good company and plenty of laughs!

My Aunt Sally made the neatest crib blankets for each baby. Baby Girl will get the green ladybug blanket and Baby Boy will get the red lizard blanket. We are painting the nursery bright spring green, and the blankets will be used as a starting place for other decorations!
As I have said before, these babies will literally be wrapped in handcrafted family love. My Aunt Sue gave us a beautiful white knitted blanket made by my Great-Grandma Fastrup (this picture cannot do it justice because it's white) and Stephanie continued working all afternoon on the awesome turquoise blanket.

I was stunned by the generosity and creativity of all of my friends and family. We got clothes, blankets, money & gift cards, books, toys, and many other things that will be put to such good use! It was a wonderful afternoon celebrating the upcoming arrival of the babies!
Mom, me & Stephanie

Katie Thomas, me, Sandi Wewerka, Heather Sesma

Sukoshi Hovanec (cousin), Aunt Sally Hovanec, me & Stephanie
Aunt Kata Novak, me, Mary Westerlund
The cousins! Stephanie, me, Lee Reed & Sukoshi Hovanec
Barb Mahowald, me & Stephanie
After packing up all the baby wares to bring back to Boston, I enjoyed a wonderful dinner out on the back deck with Mom & Dave and Sue & Bob.
Thank you so much to Sue & Stephanie for hosting and to all of my friends & family for being a part of this memorable celebration!

Stephanie put together one of the games where guests were supposed to guess how many baby socks, caps & onesies were in a large jar. Sue came up with cute a "Price is Right" game where you guessed the prices of various baby items and whoever came closest to the total without going over the real cost won. Of course the prizes were Aveda products, so Sandi & Sukoshi were pretty darn excited when they won!

We had lots of sunshine, yummy food, good company and plenty of laughs!

Mom, me & Stephanie

Katie Thomas, me, Sandi Wewerka, Heather Sesma

Sukoshi Hovanec (cousin), Aunt Sally Hovanec, me & Stephanie

Aunt Kata Novak, me, Mary Westerlund

The cousins! Stephanie, me, Lee Reed & Sukoshi Hovanec

Barb Mahowald, me & Stephanie

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