We wanted to make the most of our last day on the Cape - temperatures were forecast to be in the mid-80s. We decided to spend a few hours at Corporation Beach in Dennis before heading home. It was absolutely beautiful!
The water was 67 degrees, so we were able to spend some time in the ocean. S&Z were a little hesitant at first, but Derek eventually got them in up to their chests.

The kids were jazzed and cute as ever!
There was time for relaxing,
And of course lots of sand castle building!
It was the perfect way to end our fabulous vacation! We headed back to the house for showers and a late lunch, and the kids watched cartoons while we finished packing and loading up the car. We were back in Boston by 5pm on Thursday, and I had 5 loads of laundry done within 24 hours :)
Back to work on Monday!
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