You would never guess by the looks of this picture that my adorable, angelic little girl had turned into the devil just 45 minutes prior to this picture being taken tonight.
Zoe threw the longest, most violent tantrum that I've witnessed to date. It was seemingly triggered by wanting the bowl that I use to rinse their heads with in the bathtub (although in all likelihood it was probably the culmination of a fun day out in the sun, fighting over toys with her brother all afternoon, and a flat-out refusal of dinner). The only thing that ultimately calmed her down was a cracker. Twenty minutes (and three handfuls of crackers) later she was all tucked in with her lovey, book, wocket, and a brand new to us hand-me-down Elmo (thanks, DMC toy exchange!).
This weekend I've been commenting that we seem to have turned a big corner recently - we can finally reason with them, tantrums pale in comparison to round the clock baby crying, etc. After having my ass kicked by my almost 2-year-old, tonight I would suggest that you talk to me in a few months once the 2's are well underway :)
Zoe threw the longest, most violent tantrum that I've witnessed to date. It was seemingly triggered by wanting the bowl that I use to rinse their heads with in the bathtub (although in all likelihood it was probably the culmination of a fun day out in the sun, fighting over toys with her brother all afternoon, and a flat-out refusal of dinner). The only thing that ultimately calmed her down was a cracker. Twenty minutes (and three handfuls of crackers) later she was all tucked in with her lovey, book, wocket, and a brand new to us hand-me-down Elmo (thanks, DMC toy exchange!).
This weekend I've been commenting that we seem to have turned a big corner recently - we can finally reason with them, tantrums pale in comparison to round the clock baby crying, etc. After having my ass kicked by my almost 2-year-old, tonight I would suggest that you talk to me in a few months once the 2's are well underway :)
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