Auntie Rachel & Uncle Keith gave us an awesome water table for S&Z's birthday in October. We were able to get some use out of it inside over the winter , but today was the summer kick-off outside! After dinner I stripped the kids down to their diapers, threw on their water shoes, and we headed out to the back deck. They had SO much fun!! In addition to the accessories that came with the table, I also threw a few beach and bath toys in there so they had a lot to explore. All this playing is hard work so Z decided to pull up a chair and take a load off at one point! We found these toddler size lawn chairs at the Dollar Store a few weeks ago and S&Z sit in them all the time! The water shoes we bought at Old Navy recently seem really great and will get a lot of use this summer too... Both kids have learned how to blow bubbles on their own now, so they went back and forth between blowing bubbles and playing with the water. What a mess! At this age, I...