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Palm Sunday and Patriot's Day

Since my mom heads back to ND the day before Easter, we decided to have an early Easter lunch yesterday (which also happened to be Palm Sunday). Derek was excited to fire up the grill for the first time in a very long time! While grandma gave the kids baths and got them ready for their nap, Derek grilled filet mignon. I put together spinach salads with sliced strawberries, red onion, candied pecans and poppyseed dressing. I also cooked up what I like to call "crack-braised brussels sprouts". Top the meal off with everything bagels toasted on the grill and we had a delicious, spring-like early Easter dinner!

Today was Patriot's Day (aka, Boston's excuse for a holiday due to much of the city being unnavigable due to the Boston Marathon). We met up with our friends Miriam and Garrison this morning and headed to another neighborhood playground at the nearby Mozart School. The play structures are bigger than the tot lot we went to on Saturday, but the space is beautiful, the turf is squishy, and there are these amazing piano keys painted all along the edge of the playground. It was a beautiful morning outside with friends. Zoe seems to be getting the hang of the stairs leading up to the slides and has figured out that she needs to sit down before heading down the slide. Most of the time Silas seems content to wander around, watch the other kids, and make friends with the other mommies (esp if they have snacks).

My mom and I took full advantage of another Monday holiday (i.e., Julia still comes for her usual 2-6pm shift) and we headed out for a mother-daughter afternoon off from kid duty. We saw Conspirator, which was the story of Mary Surrat who was accused of conspiracy in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865. After the movie we had an early dinner at Legal's C Bar and did a little shopping.

All in all, it was an awesome spring weekend! Back to lab tomorrow...

It's not a blog post without a picture, so here's one of a
common scene around here during Grandma's visit


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