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Birthday Weekend Wrap-Up

After the April Fool's Day snow on Friday, the weather has gotten back on track and spring is definitely in the air! Everyone is in a pretty darn good mood around here.

On Thursday, Stacey and I decided to walk to Coolidge Corner to get birthday lunch at Michael's Deli. The corned beef rachel is the most decadent sandwich ever. It was the perfect birthday splurge!

When we got back to lab, everyone was eating in the lunch room and there was a box of beautiful cupcakes from Party Favors waiting for us! My co-workers are THE BEST!!!!!

As I mentioned, EI on Friday morning was great and the rest of the day was uneventful. After I put the kids to bed I met up with Iris for dinner at Orinoco in Brookline Village. This is definitely one of my favorite restaurants, and we had an amazing meal! We started off with arepa portobello, and then I had adobo smoked churrasco steak. YUM!!! I'm hoping I can take Derek here for dinner some night soon.

On Saturday morning I got a birthday massage. [I'm happy to report that after months of chronic hip problems, my pain level is about 85% better thanks to deep tissue massage!]. Derek & I did a living room re-configuration after the kids went down for their nap. We took down 3 panels of the superyard and opened up the area by the front door. [We still have 1/2 of the hallway blocked off with gates - the part in front of our bedroom so that Derek isn't (more) disturbed by children running down the hallway while he sleeps during the day]. S&Z love looking out the front door now!

This minor change really enlarges the feeling of the overall space and we are glad to be gradually getting rid of the baby fencing! We put away the ball pit for now, and moved the little table and chairs to where the pool used to sit. S&Z love playing with the tea set there and it's a great spot for crafts and coloring. Today they carried their snack over from the usual kitchen snack spot, so it may also be used for eating :)

The kids and I made a Target run on Saturday afternoon. They ate an entire plum from their snack traps while I shopped and they were perfect angels. Zoe made herself quite comfortable in the wagon on our way to the checkout.

I came home to a beautiful bouquet of birthday flowers from our nanny, Julia. She is so incredibly thoughtful - she had dropped them off while we were out! Last year she surprised me with a birthday cake. She does so many wonderful things for our family and I don't talk about her enough. I need to write a separate tribute about what an amazing member of our family she is.

Derek taught Zoe and Silas how to do "ring around the rosie" this weekend. It's about the cutest thing, because S&Z will actually hold hands while they do it.

Wendy, Dave, Sydney & Ivy came over for a late afternoon playdate today. I made pasta e fagioli (recipe coming soon) and Wendy brought an amazing angel food dessert. It was the perfect way to end a wonderful birthday weekend!!!


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