Silas & Zoe turn 14 months tomorrow. This is a fun (and challenging) age! They are old enough to learn about, desire, and remember various things, but they don't have language to express all of these emotions. Today was the perfect example of a 1+ year old tantrum.
We take pictures of these guys every month on or around the 5th. We decided to do the pictures today, a day early, because we had a playdate scheduled so it was a good excuse to dress them in cute clothes. After lunch, we went to put them in the chair where we always take the pictures. It can be a little dicey these days, because they want to get off the chair right away, etc. Derek suggested I get the camera out before we put them in the chair. Silas happened to be in my arms and decided he wanted the digital camera. Here's what happened,

Silas melted down when he couldn't have the camera, I tried to get him interested in the Elmo remote control instead which of course didn't cut it, Zoe ended up with the remote control and she watched the entire thing from the chair.
Needless to say, no pictures today. Silas managed to pull it together when we put shoes and coats on to go out for our playdate. We'll try again tomorrow, wearing cheesy Christmas outfits that I had already decided they would wear in case we go see Santa on our visit to Ipswich.
It's times like these that makes the adorable pictures even more priceless :)
We take pictures of these guys every month on or around the 5th. We decided to do the pictures today, a day early, because we had a playdate scheduled so it was a good excuse to dress them in cute clothes. After lunch, we went to put them in the chair where we always take the pictures. It can be a little dicey these days, because they want to get off the chair right away, etc. Derek suggested I get the camera out before we put them in the chair. Silas happened to be in my arms and decided he wanted the digital camera. Here's what happened,

Silas melted down when he couldn't have the camera, I tried to get him interested in the Elmo remote control instead which of course didn't cut it, Zoe ended up with the remote control and she watched the entire thing from the chair.
Needless to say, no pictures today. Silas managed to pull it together when we put shoes and coats on to go out for our playdate. We'll try again tomorrow, wearing cheesy Christmas outfits that I had already decided they would wear in case we go see Santa on our visit to Ipswich.
It's times like these that makes the adorable pictures even more priceless :)

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