Derek got a letter awhile back saying he was getting called for jury duty in December. This posed a bit of a problem since he does a good portion of our childcare (8am-2pm) Monday-Thursday. Not having too many other options, I decided that I would take the day off in order to cover.
About a week ago, Derek got another letter saying that he was a "standby" juror. This meant that he needed to call in the day before to find out whether or not he should report to the courthouse. When he called in yesterday he found out he was off the hook! Since I had already made all the arrangements with our nanny and at work to be off today, it ended up that we had some impromptu family time this morning! I decided that it would be a good day to search for Santa...
Last year was too crazy to take S&Z out to see Santa. This is how big they were in December 2009.

So this year I was on a mission! I got online last night and found that the Natick Mall, which is about 30 minutes away, had some good Santa seeing hours even during the week. Armed with the "where", I decided that I was determined to also figure out the "how" (i.e., must figure out a way to get Silas, Zoe & Derek's sleeping schedules to align) in order to make Santa seeing happen.
Since Derek needs to go to bed in the early afternoon, a post-lunch trip was not going to be possible. We decided to take a risk and mess with the nap schedule in order to get to the mall at 10am when Santa started work for the day. We did baths, got dressed up for the big day, and were out the door by 9:15. We loaded up in the wagon and off we went to find Santa!

After quite a bit of looking, we finally found him!!!

The line was pretty short -- S&Z ate some cheerios and raisins while they waited patiently with all the other kids.

When we got up close we saw that he was a good lookin' Santa too!!!

After our visit with the big guy, we realized that it was approaching one-year-old lunchtime, so we decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory before coming home in time for 3/4 of us to go to sleep. They did great!

What a fantastic family day it turned out to be!!! Our opposite work and childcare schedules are not very fun much of the time, so I treasure days like these...
About a week ago, Derek got another letter saying that he was a "standby" juror. This meant that he needed to call in the day before to find out whether or not he should report to the courthouse. When he called in yesterday he found out he was off the hook! Since I had already made all the arrangements with our nanny and at work to be off today, it ended up that we had some impromptu family time this morning! I decided that it would be a good day to search for Santa...
Last year was too crazy to take S&Z out to see Santa. This is how big they were in December 2009.

So this year I was on a mission! I got online last night and found that the Natick Mall, which is about 30 minutes away, had some good Santa seeing hours even during the week. Armed with the "where", I decided that I was determined to also figure out the "how" (i.e., must figure out a way to get Silas, Zoe & Derek's sleeping schedules to align) in order to make Santa seeing happen.
Since Derek needs to go to bed in the early afternoon, a post-lunch trip was not going to be possible. We decided to take a risk and mess with the nap schedule in order to get to the mall at 10am when Santa started work for the day. We did baths, got dressed up for the big day, and were out the door by 9:15. We loaded up in the wagon and off we went to find Santa!

After quite a bit of looking, we finally found him!!!

The line was pretty short -- S&Z ate some cheerios and raisins while they waited patiently with all the other kids.

When we got up close we saw that he was a good lookin' Santa too!!!

After our visit with the big guy, we realized that it was approaching one-year-old lunchtime, so we decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory before coming home in time for 3/4 of us to go to sleep. They did great!

What a fantastic family day it turned out to be!!! Our opposite work and childcare schedules are not very fun much of the time, so I treasure days like these...

Yay for the stars aligning for this day!