I have experienced some tough times in my 35 years -- the divorce of my parents, a divorce of my own, and a catastrophic flood, just to name a few. I can pretty easily say, however, that 2010 was the hardest year of my life. When S&Z were born in October of '09 I was so overcome by joy, excitement, hormones, a survival instinct, and sheer exhaustion that it took a few months for reality to set in. Being a mother is tougher than I ever anticipated, and one might say that having twins takes that to another level. Earlier this year I went back to work. I quickly learned how hard it is to be a working mom - much of the time I don't feel like I'm doing a very good job at anything. I have also had glimpses of what it would be like to be a stay-at-home mom, and those glimpses have given me a lot of admiration and appreciation for my friends who are SAHMs. I would like to believe as S&Z get older that things will get easier. As time goes on, I am learning that is probabl...