Kristin gave me this great idea to take a picture of the babies on their "birthday" every month from the same angle in order to give folks an idea of how much they have grown. January marked the first birthday photo where they are actually smiling. Of course, it takes both of us acting crazy and at least 30 pictures to get the money shot. And we have to time it for when they are awake and in a good mood. And now we want smiles. And they both need to be looking at the camera. You can see where I'm going with this. This is all no small feat, so I'm always relieved when we get a good one for the baby books! We inevitably also get some hilarious ones in the process, and always have to include a few with the parent who is working with them :)
Well it's been a busy 3 years since I last posted! Stay tuned as we may have more posts coming now that it looks like I have a new contributor... Silas recently read a book called "Starting Your Own Blog", and now he is bound and determined for us to let him start his own blog! We convinced him that he should start out by drafting content and a posting calendar. We made templates this morning and he wrote his first "post" today!
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