My mom kept the most amazing baby book for me that she gave to me as an adult. She started it when I was born and it goes through kindergarten. This is pretty remarkable, considering I was the 2nd child. The best part about my baby book are all the stories that my mom managed to write down. Most of them are on random scraps of paper and paper clipped to various pages. No matter to me - the fact that she wrote them down is amazing! Here's a couple of good ones:
14 mos - Stephanie had left a jar of peanut butter open on the table. While I was on the phone, Alissa got into it. When I found her, she was covered with it. Her hands up to her wrists were in the jar and she was stuffing it into her mouth. She was having so much fun. Stephanie and I just laughed!
June '77 - I was watering the flowers in front of the house with the girls helping me. Linda & Don Palmiscno were in their yard (waiting to go out to dinner) talking to Paul. They invited me over so I just put down the hose. About 5 mins later, all of us were being sprayed by Alissa. We couldn't scold her we were laughing so hard. She had a look of pure delight on her face.
April '78 - I overheard Alissa in the kitchen calling Stephanie names. I called her name sharply and when I reached the kitchen she had one hand clasped over her mouth and the other over her rear.
My baby book is full of memories and stories that I never would have heard otherwise. Because I value it so much, I am working hard on baby books for both Silas and Zoe. I hope they will get a kick out of them someday as well!
14 mos - Stephanie had left a jar of peanut butter open on the table. While I was on the phone, Alissa got into it. When I found her, she was covered with it. Her hands up to her wrists were in the jar and she was stuffing it into her mouth. She was having so much fun. Stephanie and I just laughed!
June '77 - I was watering the flowers in front of the house with the girls helping me. Linda & Don Palmiscno were in their yard (waiting to go out to dinner) talking to Paul. They invited me over so I just put down the hose. About 5 mins later, all of us were being sprayed by Alissa. We couldn't scold her we were laughing so hard. She had a look of pure delight on her face.
April '78 - I overheard Alissa in the kitchen calling Stephanie names. I called her name sharply and when I reached the kitchen she had one hand clasped over her mouth and the other over her rear.
My baby book is full of memories and stories that I never would have heard otherwise. Because I value it so much, I am working hard on baby books for both Silas and Zoe. I hope they will get a kick out of them someday as well!

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