Since Derek works for Boston Emergency Medical Services, he definitely does not have a typical work schedule. Boston EMS operates 24/7, 365 days per year. This year, his "4 on, 2 off" schedule fell such that he works December 23rd-26th. This meant that we weren't able to make any formal plans for Christmas Eve, but Derek did put up the tree yesterday morning. It didn't get decorated, but luckily it's pre-lit! So, me & the babies made the best of it while Derek slept yesterday before work. We enjoyed lots of Christmas music and the lights. The babies noticed it right away and couldn't keep their eyes off it!

The overnight shift is a tough gig, but I always try to look at the positives. Spending Christmas morning together as a new family when Derek got home from work today was a huge positive! To mark the occasion, we started the day with a photo shoot of S&Z in their jammies. It took them a few shots to warm up :)

Zoe likes the tree

And then Daddy got them going

For the money shot!

Derek's immediate family came over for brunch and presents, and the babies got lots of snuggles from Grandma & Grandpa Dutra.

Braden is the oldest cousin, and he LOVES the babies!

We had to get a picture of all four cousins together. As you can see, it's not easy to get all of them to look at the camera and/or smile! Braden is definitely the rock in this picture :)

This is the first Christmas/New Year's holiday that I have not spent with anyone in my family in my entire life. I talked to both my Mom and my Dad last night and tonight, and am excited to "skype" with them this weekend so that they can see the babies!
Wishing you and yours a very, very merry...

The overnight shift is a tough gig, but I always try to look at the positives. Spending Christmas morning together as a new family when Derek got home from work today was a huge positive! To mark the occasion, we started the day with a photo shoot of S&Z in their jammies. It took them a few shots to warm up :)

Zoe likes the tree

And then Daddy got them going

For the money shot!

Derek's immediate family came over for brunch and presents, and the babies got lots of snuggles from Grandma & Grandpa Dutra.

Braden is the oldest cousin, and he LOVES the babies!

We had to get a picture of all four cousins together. As you can see, it's not easy to get all of them to look at the camera and/or smile! Braden is definitely the rock in this picture :)

This is the first Christmas/New Year's holiday that I have not spent with anyone in my family in my entire life. I talked to both my Mom and my Dad last night and tonight, and am excited to "skype" with them this weekend so that they can see the babies!
Wishing you and yours a very, very merry...
Love the "money shot" photo!