A few people have recently asked me what a typical day is like, so I thought I'd post an entry about it. This will obviously change when my maternity leave (sadly) ends at the beginning of February, but let's not think about that right now :) Many mornings we have appointments or playdates, but when we're home here's what we do:
8:00am Derek gets home from work, which is great timing because the babies are just getting up for the day! We are able to spend lots of good quality time together as a family in the mornings (and about once a week, I go back to bed for a nap).
8:15 Morning bottle
9:00-11:00 Snuggle time & morning snooze
11ish Late morning bottle
Noon Every other day the babies get a bath after the late morning bottle. On the non-bath day, they go straight to their crib to begin their long afternoon nap. They started napping together in one crib two weeks ago and it's going great! It gives me a chance to get things done around the house, like make up bottles for the next 24 hours, do laundry, work on the baby books, or get dinner ready.
2:00 Afternoon bottle, Derek goes to bed
3:00 Back to crib for afternoon nap part II
5ish Up from afternoon nap and ready for another bottle
The evenings have been a particularly fussy time for the babies so I've been trying to give this time period more structure. The new routine seems to be working out pretty well so far.
6:00 Playtime on the floor & listen to music. I'll be making a separate post about early intervention, but this is when we do the babies' "exercises" as well.

Mom, not another picture!!

7:30 Snack (not a full bottle, just enough to get them through to the final feeding before bed)
8:00 Nap on the couch while I finish up dinner

9:00 Derek wakes up and we eat dinner together. We also feed the babies and get them ready for bed.
10:00 Derek gets in shower
10:30 Bedtime for babies and I do final cleanup for the day. Derek leaves for work @ 10:45.
The babies still sleep in our room in a pack -n- play at the foot of our bed. I will start transitioning them to their cribs in January. Previously they were getting up at 3am for a middle of the night feeding, but they are now sleeping until between 4:00 and 5:30am. After this early morning bottle they still go back to sleep until 8am. God bless development!
8:00am Derek gets home from work, which is great timing because the babies are just getting up for the day! We are able to spend lots of good quality time together as a family in the mornings (and about once a week, I go back to bed for a nap).
8:15 Morning bottle
9:00-11:00 Snuggle time & morning snooze
11ish Late morning bottle
Noon Every other day the babies get a bath after the late morning bottle. On the non-bath day, they go straight to their crib to begin their long afternoon nap. They started napping together in one crib two weeks ago and it's going great! It gives me a chance to get things done around the house, like make up bottles for the next 24 hours, do laundry, work on the baby books, or get dinner ready.
2:00 Afternoon bottle, Derek goes to bed
3:00 Back to crib for afternoon nap part II
5ish Up from afternoon nap and ready for another bottle
The evenings have been a particularly fussy time for the babies so I've been trying to give this time period more structure. The new routine seems to be working out pretty well so far.
6:00 Playtime on the floor & listen to music. I'll be making a separate post about early intervention, but this is when we do the babies' "exercises" as well.

Mom, not another picture!!

7:30 Snack (not a full bottle, just enough to get them through to the final feeding before bed)
8:00 Nap on the couch while I finish up dinner

9:00 Derek wakes up and we eat dinner together. We also feed the babies and get them ready for bed.
10:00 Derek gets in shower
10:30 Bedtime for babies and I do final cleanup for the day. Derek leaves for work @ 10:45.
The babies still sleep in our room in a pack -n- play at the foot of our bed. I will start transitioning them to their cribs in January. Previously they were getting up at 3am for a middle of the night feeding, but they are now sleeping until between 4:00 and 5:30am. After this early morning bottle they still go back to sleep until 8am. God bless development!
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