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Bye-Bye, Daytime Diapers

We have been playing around with potty training for a few months now. We started offering the little potty's after baths, and once both kids showed some consistent interest we also implemented a sticker chart for reinforcement. After talking with a fellow twin mom friend, Stephanie, last week and hearing how she used m&m's for reinforcement with her daughter I decided for three reasons to do a big push this weekend and once and for all stop using daytime diapers: 1) we have plateaued at peeing a maximum of 3x/day in the potty and continue to use diapers, b) Derek had a vasectomy on Friday and we planned on staying pretty close to home, and c) most importantly, our preschool requires that kids are in pull-ups or in underwear, and the first day of school is 9/18!

On Friday morning I bought a big bag of m&m's and described to S&Z that they would get 1 m&m for going pee-pee in the potty and 2 m&m's for going poop in the potty. I explained that we were saying goodbye to daytime diapers. Silas looked at me in a panic and said, "I need nighttime diapers!!!". I reassured him that they will still have diapers at night until they are in toddler beds, but that during the day we will be wearing underwear (although they still nap in pull-ups, at least for now). After picking up Daddy from his "procedure" the kids put on cloth underwear.

On Friday afternoon our first outing was to go on our regular 45-minute power walk. On Saturday morning we went on another 45-minute power walk, we came home to get Daddy, and then all of us went down to the Farmer's Market. Saturday afternoon, however, was going to be the biggest test so far -- we were going to Braden and Kaylan's birthday party in Mansfield at 5pm, which also happens to be a 45-minute drive away.

There were lots of fun distractions at the party,

like water balloons with Uncle Doug,

Lots of kisses and snuggles from Grandma,

Birthday cake and ice cream,

And most distracting of all, there was a BOUNCE HOUSE!!!

We had set up the little potty's near the minivan when we arrived at the party. We were there for 4 hours - Zoe peed 4 times and Silas went 3 times. Seeing Zoe get m&m's helps motivate Silas and remind him to go. It's harder to get Silas to disengage from whatever he is doing to use the potty, but on at least one occasion I noticed him wandering towards the potty's and figured out that was his way of telling me he needed to go.

This morning we took another 45-minute walk, and then we did a 2-hour outing to run errands. We stopped at Toys 'R Us to get a few potty supplies. We decided we should have a portable potty seat for public restrooms as well as a little stand that can be used with disposable bags at the park, etc. We ended up getting this one made by Fisher Price. We also got a stool and a potty hook for home so that the kids can use the big potty without assistance. Our bathroom now looks like this!

To cap off the weekend we decided to again push our luck and go out for dinner at an indian/nepali restaurant in our neighborhood. Within 10 minutes they each sucked down 16 oz. of ice water - we hadn't talked to a wait person yet so I knew we were in for a long dinner. TWO HOURS (and 6 trips to the bathroom/3 per kid!) later, we walked out with our bellies full of indian food (but still wearing dry underwear!)... 

I am so very proud of them, and am happy to have survived this initial push with pretty much zero accidents!

YAY, Zoe and Silas!!!! And YAY US :)


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