S&Z typically watch between 20 and 45 minutes of television per day. After basically never having the TV on between 3 and 18 months, we now use it strategically (i.e., while we make meals, clean up, or as a special treat before bed) and in moderation. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that kids over 2 years don't watch more than 1 hour per day, so that is the max limit we try to stick with. During the week they tend to watch PBS with Derek, including shows like "Super Why", "Cat in the Hat", and of course "Sesame Street". We have NetFlix streaming, so we also have a few favorite shows that they tend to watch with me on the weekends. The typical weekend playlist includes "Curious George", "Blue's Clues", and "Yo Gabba Gabba". They have recently started dancing and singing the Blue's Clues song. It is so darn cute that I needed to get it on video!