Some of the experiments you try as a parent work, and some of them do not. Today's "nap experiment" was an epic failure. Let me explain... S&Z take one nap each day. They eat an early lunch and then play for awhile longer before becoming crank-meisters and going down for their nap around 12:30. On average they sleep for 2 hours - sometimes a little more (Silas' preference), sometimes a little less (Zoe's preference). Yesterday they took a 3 hour nap because they've had pretty bad colds this week. That should have been a sign that experimenting with the schedule today in order to accommodate a daytrip to Ipswich was a bad idea. One of my best friends, Timery, moved to Ipswich this fall . Now that we live only 75 minutes apart, we try to see each other 1x/month. We take turns with who visits who, and usually it works out pretty well. Now that we're down to one long nap per day, however, making this type of daytrip is a little more complicated. I de...