My friend Lisa is a professor at UMass-Amherst, which is about a 2 hour drive from Boston. We've been lucky to have her visit us so many times over the last year. Most recently, we got to spend the entire day together on Friday. Lisa is an awesome amateur photographer, and she took a bunch of pictures while she was here. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures of S&Z with Lisa, because she was always the one behind the camera! The pictures are priceless, such a beautiful snapshot of a typical day for us.

Never has a meal been photographed so intensively as it was on Friday. I gave them pasta with meat sauce that they fed to themselves. That equals one big mess! Silas loves to put his hands on his head very dramatically when eating, and he got all kinds of positive reinforcement from us on this particular evening.

Monkey see, monkey do of course!

We love you, Lisa! Thanks for sharing in our chaos :)

Never has a meal been photographed so intensively as it was on Friday. I gave them pasta with meat sauce that they fed to themselves. That equals one big mess! Silas loves to put his hands on his head very dramatically when eating, and he got all kinds of positive reinforcement from us on this particular evening.

Monkey see, monkey do of course!

We love you, Lisa! Thanks for sharing in our chaos :)
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