I received 4 canvases and paint in a handprint kit from my friend Lisa as a baby shower gift. I had envisioned where the canvases would hang in the nursery when they were adorned with cute little hand and footprints. Life with two babies has been *a little* crazy, however, so I haven't been able to mobilize to get the art project done until recently. My friend and co-worker, Eliza, has been coming over every other Sunday for the last few months to play with S&Z while I make baby food. Eliza will be moving to Chicago for grad school soon, so we decided to have one of her last Sunday visits involve the handprint project. I knew we would need another person to make this a success, so we asked our friend Stacey if she'd be willing to help out as well. We started with footprints, because those seemed pretty easy. Because Zoe started crying when her second foot was dipped in the paint, we decided to take a break to play and eat lunch. The handprints were next and we decided to ap...