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Showing posts from March, 2010

Videos for the Grandparents

Silas loves the jumperoo we borrowed from Andee & Maya, and Zoe loves standing up in the exersaucer that Ellen and Zoe gave us. Here's a video for the grandparents :) The bouncy seats that Eliza and Shafali gave us have been very useful since S&Z were newborns, but they are a lot more fun these days now that they have figured out how to make the animals dance! Zoe has her feet going in this one, but Silas is much more interested in chewing on Mortimer the Moose's ears.

Adventures in Eating

Now that the babies are almost six months old, we decided to give "solids" a whirl this week. Now, the word "solids" is pretty much a misnomer at this stage -- everything they eat is pureed mush! We started out feeding one baby at a time in the bumbo chair until we got the hang of it. Both of them did pretty well with the rice cereal, and the first feeding went as well as can be expected. After two days of boring rice cereal, we introduced oatmeal and butternut squash. After making the to-be-expected faces when tasting something new, both Silas and Zoe really liked it! The next challenge was figuring out how to feed them simultaneously using booster seats. We have opted not to buy high chairs in order to save space, so S&Z are trying to figure out how to sit in the boosters. They started out okay, but by the end of the first tandem booster seat feeding they looked like they were on a ride at Six Flags! This week we also introduced green beans, sweet potatoes, b...


I am finally getting around to writing about our awesome visit to Baltimore a couple of weeks ago! I have told you about the adventures from the drive, but the best part was definitely visiting Tracy & Brock, as well as a lot of friends who were also in town attending the ICIS conference. Oh, and the conference program was great too, but I will not bore you all about those details :) We were BEAT after driving all night and arriving at Tracy & Brock's house in Laurel, MD at 5:15am. But the babies were pretty awake at this point and Tracy stayed up after our arrival as well, so we decided to set up pack-n-play's, unpack toys, and generally get settled. Tracy and Brock have an awesome setup in their basement, with a lot of room to play! They are also expecting a baby on June 1st, so there were infant seats, etc. available for S&Z as well. After doing so great on the overnight drive, the babies had a bit of an "adjustment" to napping in new digs. I think the...

Our First Road Trip

When I found out that one of the conferences in my field, hosted by the International Society on Infant Studies , would be held in Baltimore this year, I set my mind on figuring out how I could attend. First off, it's a conference that is very relevant to my work and I enjoy attending. Second, one of my best friends, Tracy, lives outside of Baltimore. And third, it's within driving distance of Boston and I knew the only way that I could go was if the whole family came along. There is no traveling alone in mine and Derek's futures for quite some time... Tracy and her husband, Brock, were willing to have us stay with them at their new house in Laurel, MD, so Derek got the time off of work and the plans started falling into place. The first challenge was figuring out how to pack for the babies. It was quite the process, but we managed pretty well! We decided it would be best to drive to Laurel overnight, in hopes that Silas and Zoe would sleep most of the way. Julia came a few...