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Showing posts from November, 2009


At a playdate we had this week, the mom's were commenting on how they needed to start putting their babies down more often in preparation for daycare. I, on the other hand, am trying to figure out how to hold Silas & Zoe more often when my partner in crime is at work or sleeping. In this vein, I finally tested out the moby wrap. It is a great way to carry a baby around the house with me while I do my usual organizing and puttering... As you can see, the babies are in heaven in the wrap! The babies are eating and growing with gusto! I can't wait to see how big they are at their 2-month well baby visit on 12/7! I am happy to announce that my cousin Melissa and her husband, Dustin welcomed Oliver Knox Davis to their family on 11/24! What a wonderful Thanksgiving blessing for them!


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Derek and I have a lot to be thankful for this year... Life is crazy, but everyone is happy and healthy! We are thankful that Derek's family lives nearby, and we celebrated Thanksgiving with them at Uncle Larry's house in Providence last Sunday. It was the first social outing for the babies and it went really well! We are also thankful to have my mom here with us during this special time! We can't wait for S&Z to meet the rest of my family in the coming months! I am also very thankful to share this journey with Derek... He is an awesome dad and we are partners in this great adventure! Much love to everyone!


Silas and Zoe are so lucky to have three sets of grandparents! They have already spent lots of quality time with Grandma and Grandpa Dutra who live nearby, as well as Grandma Speare who is visiting us from ND and helping out this month. Unfortunately Grandpa Speare was unable to visit with my mom because his father passed away last week. Grandpa Westerlund (my dad) calls me frequently to get all the updates, and we are planning a "skype date" with both Grandma and Grandpa Westerlund this weekend so they can meet the babies via webcam! Grandma and Grandpa Dutra got to meet Silas in the hospital soon after he was born. Unfortunately they had to wait to meet Miss Z until she came home from the NICU :( Since they live so close to us, they have been able to come over and visit once a week since the babies were born! Grandma Speare arrived last week and has been a huge help to me & Derek, giving each of us a bit of a break (and some much needed time to sleep!). It's been fu...

Rhythm of the Day

The babies have been keeping us very busy so I haven't posted in over a week now! Our days have settled into a predictable 3-4 hour routine... Silas and Zoe eat and have a diaper change, and then we do some kind of activity. This might be a walk around the neighborhood, a bath, tummy time, or we just snuggle. The babies stay awake for about 1-1/2 hours at a time (depending on the time of day), and then they go to sleep and the cycle repeats! But it's still really all about sleep for these guys!

Time for Everything

To say things are a little crazy around here since Derek went back to work on Thursday night would be an understatement! The babies do a lot of eating and napping (as do Serena and Salvador!)... But we find time for work (tummy time!) (which Zoe particularly hates) Time for snuggles Time for chillin' And plenty of time to play too!