Rachel and Megan threw me a lovely shower on Saturday. The weather was PERFECT, very similar to the June afternoon when Sue and Stephanie hosted the baby shower in MN. We all gathered at Megan's house in East Bridgewater in the early afternoon and enjoyed sitting outside on her beautiful patio!
Megan and Kathy Pritchard
Amy Pritchard and Rachel
Me, Christina Lipus, and Jane Couperus
Me & Lisa Scott (Jane & Lisa drove all the way from western MA for the afternoon!)
Everyone was SO generous and I had a lot of fun opening gifts!

Here's a picture of all the lovely ladies (sans Kim, who had already left to get her ZipCar back to Cambridge on time)!

The guys came down later on, along with Jeff's parents & Megan's parents. The heat finally got to be too much for me and I had to throw in the towel for the day, but not before some beers were consumed :)

Many thanks to Megan & Rachel for orchestrating such a beautiful celebration!

Here's a picture of all the lovely ladies (sans Kim, who had already left to get her ZipCar back to Cambridge on time)!

The guys came down later on, along with Jeff's parents & Megan's parents. The heat finally got to be too much for me and I had to throw in the towel for the day, but not before some beers were consumed :)

Many thanks to Megan & Rachel for orchestrating such a beautiful celebration!
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